Publisher:Admin Read:1077 Date:2022.07.01
The machine operating system of the manufacturer that produces this kind of machine is very similar, basically have the following operation characteristic:
1. Adopt full intelligent microcomputer control system.
2, the use of large color LCD display.
3, please use the fashionable control panel.
4, super quiet design, decent appearance.
5, the use of advanced nanotechnology.
6, the program is simple, the whole Chinese operation mode.
7, arbitrary adjustment of space fragrance concentration and working time.
8, according to its space configuration of the corresponding power of the incense expander. Aromatherapy machine
Application place of fragrant products:
1, star hotel, high-end club, SPA aromatherapy shop
2. High-grade office buildings
3. Automobile 4S shop
4. Conference Center
5. Exhibition Hall
6. Super shopping plaza
7. Branded clothing stores
8. Senior nightclubs and entertainment venues
9. Women's beauty and leisure places
Golf lounge
11, hotel, KTV and other night
Sales department or senior private hospital
13. Senior private villas or other public places.
The main purpose of the incense machine is still for fragrance marketing, so the choice of plant essential oil suitable for the machine needs to choose the appropriate essential oil according to different occasions.